Aspiring Educator Statewide Leadership
Submit your interest below for any of the following Aspiring Educators of Wisconsin leadership roles:
Vice President: Carry out duties assigned by the AEW President; Serve as the Awards Committee Chairperson; Serve as the Elections Committee Chairperson; Serve as President in the absence of the State President during the fall semester; Be knowledgeable and understand Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised; Attend AEW Board of Directors meetings; Make recommendations to AEW standing committees to the AEW Board for approval; Act as liaison for assigned district; Serve as fundraising coordinator; and Other duties as assigned.
Professional Development Coordinator: Carry out duties assigned by the AEW President; Coordinate Professional Development Opportunities in coordination with WEAC and the WEA Academy; Attend AEW Board of Directors meetings; Act as liaison for assigned district; Be knowledgeable and understand Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised; and Other duties as assigned.
Secretary: Keep a record of all association proceedings and correspondence. These records shall be kept on permanent file; Arrange for the minutes to be taken and distributed to the delegates of the AEW RA; Submit minutes to the AEW President and the WEAC Office of Executive Director within two (2) weeks after an AEW Board of Directors meeting; Attend AEW Board of Directors meetings; Act as liaison for assigned district; Coordinate the annual Outreach to Teach program; Be knowledgeable and understand Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised; and Other duties as assigned.
Public Relations Coordinator: Carry out duties assigned by the AEW President; Be responsible for the AEW newsletter; Act as liaison for assigned district; Update and maintain the AEW website and social media accounts; Attend AEW Board of Directors meetings; Be knowledgeable and understand Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised; and Other duties as assigned.
Membership Coordinator: Coordinate statewide membership plan; Collaborate with local chapters on membership initiatives; Help develop new chapters; and Other duties as assigned.
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