WEAC Supports New Collective Bargaining Bill

WEAC President Peggy Wirtz-Olsen joined union and legislative leaders at press conference November 3 in support of collective bargaining for Wisconsin’s public employee workforce.
This is the second bill (AB 614) circulating that would restore educators’ right to negotiate with our employers. The first, SB 660, was introduced in October and applies specifically to public school educators. All Democrats signed onto SB 660. No Republicans signed onto the bill.
“Everywhere I go, I talk about collective bargaining,” Wirtz-Olsen said. “WEAC will be relentless until our rights are restored.”
Send an email today to your legislators in support of our right to negotiate with our employers.
Bills We’re Watching
Educational Options (SB-231 / AB-220). Specifies that the youth apprenticeship program administered by the Department of Workforce Development must be included in the list of educational options that a school provides. Presented to the governor.
Additional K-2 Reading Assessments (AB 446 / SB-454). This bill would require school boards to assess our youngest learners three times a year and to create a personal reading plan for K-2 students who score below the 25th percentile based on a screening assessment, calling for additional testing to identify those students. The bill does not indicate how additional assessments would be funded and draws questions – including from the Department of Public Instruction – as to how more testing will improve literacy and provide educators with necessary funding and tools to conduct increased interventions. The majority of federal funds, including reading teachers paid with funds from Title 1, cannot be used to comply with the language of the bill. Watch a short video from the Assembly hearing and read this related story. Passed by Senate, passed by Assembly Education Committee.