February 3, 2021

DPI Releases Vaccination Planning for Educators Checklist

DPI Releases Vaccination Planning for Educators Checklist Featured Image

The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has published the Vaccination Planning for Educators Checklist designed to assist school district administrators and school nurses prepare for the vaccination of educators. The Department of Health Services (DHS) anticipates educators will be eligible for the vaccine around March 1 (pending Wisconsin’s vaccine supply from the federal government). This checklist was developed in consultation with the DHS to assist school districts in coordinating  with their local public health departments in vaccination efforts.

See the Checklist

In addition, the DPI recently published a non-branded PowerPoint to be used and adapted by school nurses and school districts to provide general information on COVID-19 vaccines to promote vaccine acceptance. Multiple resources are listed at the end of the PowerPoint that can be used by school nurses and school administrators  to increase knowledge about COVID-19 vaccines. It is anticipated that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will be publishing a COVID-19 vaccination toolkit for educators that will  also be useful for vaccine promotion and planning.