September 13, 2022

Earn $ for Recruiting New Union Members

Earn $ for Recruiting New Union Members Featured Image

As a union, our strength is in the number of our members and our ability to act collectively. That is why WEAC Region 6 needs your connections and relationships to invite new union members to belong to our professional community. You know what makes your coworkers frustrated, scared, and agitated to act. If they are not members yet, invite them to belong to our union and you will be rewarded with up to $60.

Research shows that potential members are more likely to join if you invite them in person, face-to-face as a colleague who is already a member, and really listen to their pains, ideas, and vision for a better tomorrow. The membership form to join the union is online. Just have your colleagues click the red button that says, “Join Now.”

From August 1 until November 15, 2022, the WEAC Region 6 I’m In program will PAY YOU for every member who joins because of your encouragement. You will earn $60 for every new member if you have completed a training with WISDOM or completed a similar organizing training. If you haven’t attended any organizing trainings, you still get $40 for every new member.

To receive your incentive, complete the form listing the name(s) of the person(s) you personally invited to belong to our professional community. Once the Region 6 office receives this form, as well as the completed membership forms and valid payment for each successful new member, you will have a check mailed to you. Region 6 will send one check out to each recruiter no later than December 15. Email your completed form by November 30 to Rachel Schendel at

If you have questions or want to strategize, contact WEAC Region 6 Director Kim Noyce at, or 800-397-2287.