MTEA Retirement Information Sessions
March 11 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Event Series
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MTEA Retirement Information Sessions
A retirement information and explainer session for MTEA teacher unit and educational assistant unit members based on the “No Nonsense Retirement Guide.”
- Inform members of the benefits that they have access to thru the employer.
- Inform members of how to connect to these benefits thru the employer.
- Inform members that MTEA will not under any circumstances provide financial advice of any kind and you should direct members where they can go for financial advice, WEA Member Benefits etc.
MTEA is providing this service based on the best information available to it at the time, and members must contact MPS to learn more about their specific situation.
Register below for either session on Thursday, February 20 or Tuesday, March 11 at 5 pm at the MTEA Building. Sessions are capped at 50 members with overflow given priority for the second date. After the second event we will determine if additional dates are needed. Update: Both sessions are full.