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Observers for WEAC Candidates for Election Positions Form
Each candidate may appoint one Observer to watch the counting of the ballots for the office for which he/she is running. The WEAC Credentials & Elections Committee is requesting that the candidate notify, in writing, the WEAC office of the Executive Director twenty-four (24) hours prior to the convening of the Representative Assembly who their Observer will be at the time of the voting for the office for which they are a candidate. Your Observer may not be a candidate for any position or a staff member. The Observer will: * Report to the voting room 10 minutes before voting commences. * Not be admitted to the counting room after counting starts and will not be permitted to leave the room until votes are recorded, which may be several hours. * Be at least 15 feet away from tallies. * Not use any electronic devices while in the voting area. * Have no communication with anyone outside the room. * Direct any questions to the Credentials & Elections Committee Chairperson. The Committee Chairperson has the right to ask your observer to leave due to non-compliance of the above. Please submit this form in accordance with the above request.
My Observer for the election at the Wisconsin Education Association Council Representative Assembly
I am a candidate for the office of:
By entering my name on this field, I am electronically signing this form.