Education Advocacy Request Form

Does your chapter have a project to advocate for public schools?

WEAC/NEA-Retired offers mini-grants for chapter activites directly associated with education advocacy. Fill out the form below and we’ll let you know if your request qualifies. Approved projects must include components to increase engagement in WEAC advocacy programs such as:

  • Ed Advocacy App
  • Phone Banks and Door Knocking
  • Pro-Public Education Events in Your Community

After your event, you’ll be required to report on your results, send pictures and submit receipts for reimbursement. Please use this link to file your report.

Contact Name for Grant(Required)
Have you received a WEAC-Retired Advocacy Grant before?

Percentages Toward Total Budget (if applicable)
Note: Any funding recipient will be required to provide a report-back to WEAC-Retired including invoices/expenses; the number of people engaged; photos of any events; and other pertinent information.