January 29, 2025

GOP Legislators’ Recusal Demand Has No Merit

GOP Legislators’ Recusal Demand Has No Merit Featured Image

Republicans in the Wisconsin Legislature are demanding that Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz recuse herself from hearing an appeal of the case that ruled most of Wisconsin’s Act 10 law unconstitutional if an appeal comes to the Supreme Court.

“The Legislature’s recusal motion is meritless, and nothing more than another delay tactic to try and prevent the Wisconsin Supreme Court from hearing the Legislature’s appeal by the end of this Term,” plaintiffs’ legal representatives said. “We are confident that the motion will be denied.”

GOP spokespeople say Protasiewicz should not rule on the case because she has spoken about the law in the past.

Meanwhile, the same legislators are not calling on Justice Brian Hagedorn to recuse himself, even though, as former governor Scott Walker’s attorney, he is one of the architects of Act 10. Some Democrats in the Legislature, however, have called on Hagedorn to recuse.