Cunningham, Dickinson, Watson Award

The Cunningham, Dickinson, Watson Award is given to a staff person for “initiatives, ideas, actions, or consistent performance that has enabled members in Wisconsin to better themselves and advance public education.”

The Cunningham, Dickinson, Watson Award is given to a staff person for “initiatives, ideas, actions, or consistent performance that has enabled members in Wisconsin to better themselves and advance public education.”

Eligibility for the award is open to anyone employed by WEAC or its affiliates. This includes state, Region, or local staff. Nominations must be received in the WEAC office no later than February 1.

When submitting a nomination, include past and present activities using the criteria above which merit the Cunningham, Dickinson, Watson Commemorative Staff Award. Include specific and concrete evidence of such activities. Selection of the Cunningham, Dickinson, Watson Commemorative Staff Award recipient will be contingent upon the information supplied with this form. (If additional information is to be submitted on behalf of this nominee, please forward it to the WEAC, Attention: Office of the President. Be sure the nominee’s name is clearly identified on any documents submitted separate from an online nomination.)

Submit Nomination

Guidelines for the Cunningham, Dickinson, Watson Commemorative Staff Award:

The subcommittee shall solicit nominations by February 1 for the Cunningham, Dickinson, Watson Memorial Staff Award. (In the event February 1 is not a working day, the next working day shall become the deadline). Nominations may be made by:

  • Members of Regions and local associations through the office of Region or local president
  • Members of the WEAC Board of Directors
  • Anyone employed by WEAC or its affiliates (includes professional, associate, management, Region, or local staff).

Eligibility for the award is open to anyone employed by WEAC or its affiliates (includes professional, associate, management, Region, or local staff).

The subcommittee shall present its recommendations to the Board of Directors no later than the February meeting.

A majority vote of the Board of Directors members present and voting constitutes an affirmation of the subcommittee recommendations.

The award will be given to a staff person for initiative, ideas, actions, or consistent performance that has enabled members in Wisconsin to better themselves and advance the level of public education.

The CDW Award is named for Marvin Cunningham, Don Dickinson and Beryl Watson. One long-time WEAC staff person recalled these three individuals this way:

“Don Dickinson, a WEAC field rep and a northeast regional coordinator, was an extremely hard worker. We all knew him to be the first person on the job in the morning and the last to close up shop. This fun-loving man was a great dancer on the dance floor and at the bargaining table. He was a strong advocate for associate staff, helping us to organize into a union.”

About Beryl Watson, she said, “He was the UniServ director for Hortonville during the 1974 strike. We all came to know Beryl as a very strong union advocate. He was very sensitive to women’s issues and strongly advocated for us.”

Lastly, about Marvin Cunningham, she stated, “Marvin was a tough negotiator and worked very hard in protecting the rights of WEAC members. All three men were a role model for me and many other staff.”