Restorative Practices 2.0: Circle Keeping & Using Circles to Teach

Restorative practices is a way of being that values relationships and refers to all things we do that build, maintain, and repair relationships. We know that many teachers and Educational Support Professionals have experience with Restorative Practices; therefore, we have designed RP 2.0 with greater emphasis on circle keeping, using circle to teach, and integration of circles into academics.

This session is for those who have some foundational experience in restorative practices.

In this interactive session, participants will:

  • Develop circle facilitation skills while evaluating race, privilege and power
  • Participate in and synthesize different formations of circles 
  • Deepen understanding of the medicine wheel to also Create restorative lesson plans that balance all parts of who we are


***Participants are encouraged to bring topics and/or learning intentions to create agendas for use in your role. 

 Must Register by February 1 to Guarantee Lodging. 

This course is offered in a retreat-like environment:

Friday, February 28 Reception

Welcome: Get Acquainted with facilitators & participants

Share what you hope to learn & current practice level

Saturday, March 1st, 2024

Creating a Brave space/Restorative facilitation 

Deepen understanding of Circle Agenda: Powerful Questions, Scaffolding & Balanced Circle agendas 

When & How of Circles

Sunday, March 2nd 2024 

Create and Facilitate a Circle ***based on topic/learning intentions of participants 

Reflection and critique 

Circle Questions & Answers

Registration includes all materials, two nights of lodging in a shared room, Friday evening appetizers, breakfast and lunch on both Saturday and Sunday. If you prefer a single room, you can pay the difference. This course is funded, in part, by a grant from the NEA. Opened to the first 25 to enroll. 

Course Cost


20 seats remaining