Educators across Wisconsin are gathering at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 20 at the State Capitol to rally for public schools. Plan to join us there. Lawmakers are working on developing the next state budget, which includes Governor Tony Evers’ plan for a once-in-a-generation investment in public education. The time is now for everyone who cares about students to speak up and show up to back the public schools budget.
What Are We Rallying For?
- An increase of more than $2.6 billion for public schools.
- 90 percent reimbursement rate for public school special education students, the same as voucher schools collect.
- The second-largest direct investment in state general aids since 1995-97.
- The largest per pupil adjustments since revenue limits were imposed.
- A combined increase of $1,000 per pupil over the biennium while keeping the estimated gross school levy increase below 1 percent statewide in both fiscal years.
- Breakfast and lunch for all students.
- Increased mental health support for students who need it.
By attending the rally, you are part of a statewide movement to support public education and educators. Busing is available – make sure you click the ‘Interested in Riding a Bus’ box when you sign up.