
ECAE Scholarship

ECAE Scholarship Award Purpose
The ECAE Scholarship was established to recognize the academic excellence achieved by graduating seniors who are children of ECAE members. There are two scholarships available.

The committee gives first priority consideration to five criteria: typewritten resume; an essay, not to exceed two typed pages, double spaced; academic success; two (2) letters of recommendation; and presentation. The selection committee may consider other criteria, including financial need.

ECAE Scholarship Award Criteria and Selection Process
Eau Claire Association of Educators Procedure/Eligibility Requirements for the scholarship is outlined below.

Each candidate will submit the following information:

  1. A typewritten resume providing information in each of the following areas: 1) please provide the name of the parent or guardian who is an active member of ECAE, 2) school activities, with leadership positions held and any honors and/or awards, 3) community involvement, with leadership positions held and any honors and/or awards, 4) employment experience, and 5) personal interests and hobbies. Include the period and/or amounts of time during which you participated in each area. Each area will have a possible maximum award of points as follows:

1) School, including leadership and honors/awards maximum 15 points

2) Community, including leadership and honors/awards maximum 15 points

3) Employment maximum 5 points

4) Interests/Hobbies maximum 5 points

  1. An official high school transcript.

(Please include a photocopy of ACT and/or SAT scores.)

1) ACT/SAT scores maximum 10 points

2) GPA maximum 5 points

3) AP/transcripted/college level classes/advanced standing maximum 5 points

  1. Two (2) letters of recommendation. One reference must be from a teacher or counselor.

1) Letter from teacher or counselor (may not be a relative) maximum 5 points

2) Second letter (may not be a relative) maximum 5 points

  1. There are limitations as to what grades, scores and recommendations can tell us about any candidate. Therefore, please convey in an essay, a sense of you and your family, why continued education is important to you, what field of study you are interested in, and how this scholarship would help you financially. Your essay is limited to two typed pages, double spaced. maximum 25 points
  1. Presentation of application materials (neatness and conventions) maximum 5 points

Applicants shall return completed application, letters of recommendation, and accompanying materials to Scholarship Coordinator, ECAE Office, 2004 Highland Avenue, Suite L, Eau Claire, WI 54701. The deadline is the first Friday in April.

There will be no exceptions on the deadline. All applicants will be notified if they will or will not be receiving an ECAE award.

A committee of ECAE members will be charged with screening the applications of students for the ECAE Scholarships, and selecting recipients each year. There will be a committee with at least 4 representatives from the membership.

Scholarship winners will receive grants of $500.00 after completion of their first semester of course work at the post secondary institute of their choice. Scholarship winners will need to provide an official transcript to the ECAE treasurer after completion of their first semester.