ECW- Retired

Educators of Central Wisconsin-Retired
The purpose of ECW-Retired is to uphold quality education; to promote retirement with dignity; to protect state pension benefits; and to advocate for human, civil, and economic rights for all.
Voting membership in the organization shall be open to any former, dues-paying, public education employee and their spouses.
Members of the organization shall also be members of the Wisconsin Education Association Council – Retired (WEAC-Retired) and the National Education Association – Retired (NEA-Retired).
CWUC-Retired has updated its name to Educators of Central Wisconsin-Retired, same address, same members, same activities, just a name change!
Since WEAC is no longer organized by Uni-Servs, we feel the new name reflects who we are, where we are located, and that our members are retired educators.
Please keep this new name, Educators of Central Wisconsin-Retired (ECW-R), in mind for the various correspondence that you receive or send -especially when you are referring a new member.
Upcoming Events for Members
Thursday April 24, 2025 (Spring) and September 25, 2025 (Fall)
ECW-Retired Fall and Spring membership meetings are held the FOURTH THURSDAYS of SEPTEMBER and APRIL. They are open to all members. PLEASE add these dates to your calendar.
Members enjoy organizational updates along with interesting and engaging speakers on various topics.
For WEAC-Retired information and updates please go to
ECW – Retired Leadership
President: Mary Jarvis,
Vice President: Ron Hahn
Secretary/Treasurer: Pat Schmidt,