Working with a mentor increases the likelihood that National Board candidates certify. WEAC members can receive up to three hours of personalized mentoring from a WEAC NBCT each year of candidacy. Please know this three hour block includes the time it may take for your mentor to read your entries.
To be assigned a mentor, please select five choices and e-mail their names to While it may seem advantageous to connect with a mentor in your certification field, any NBCT can serve as your mentor. It’s as much about the process as about the product; having a critical set of eyes outside of your teaching area has benefits. Mentor requests must be made prior to March 31 during your year of submission.
This service is provided only to WEAC members as a benefit of your continued membership.
Brianne Allbee
I have been teaching math for over 15 years with experience at both the middle and high school levels. I am currently teaching AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC at the high school. I also help with the new teacher mentoring program in my district, hold an administrative license, and am the Educator Effectiveness coach at my school.
Cathy Anderson
A retired, 36+ year secondary science teacher, Cathy is an EA/Science NBCT, twice renewed. Additional experience includes: St. Mary’s University of MN Master’s instructor (10 yrs), state inservice presenter, and secondary guest teacher. Cathy served as co-chair of the EA/Science Standards (2nd ed.), member of current NB Science Standards, and served on the NB Board of Directors (9 years). A long time candidate support provider, component presenter, and cohort facilitator, Cathy is passionate about helping candidates through their NB journey (initial & renewal).
Holly Benson
I am a middle school science teacher (Chemistry and Biology) and returned Peace Corps volunteer (taught ESL). I enjoyed the challenge of the National Board process, this was the best professional development experience I ever had. I love meeting and mentoring National Board candidates as they push themselves to be their very best for their students.
Note: Temporarily unavailable
Danielle Chaussee
Danielle has taught Spanish at Oconomowoc High School since 2003. She achieved National Board Certification in World Languages / Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood in 2010 and renewed in 2020. Since 2010 she has mentored candidates, in all areas of certification, from around the state. Danielle is passionate about helping her students grow as global citizens and empowering them to take action on local and global topics of importance to them. She is a leader of Oconomowoc High School’s Freshman Day of Service Learning and is also the Global Scholars Program Coordinator.
Amy Digman
I received my undergrad degree from UW-Platteville and my Masters from Carroll University. I am currently a teaching and learning specialist (TLS) within the Elmbrook School District in Brookfield, WI. Previously, I taught kindergarten for 16 years within the Elmbrook SD. I am a NBCT (EC Generalist) and completed my Maintenance of Certification (MOC) in 2021. I was selected to pilot the assessment (Component 1) and the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) for the last revision.
Lyman Elliott
Lyman is a late-comer to the teaching profession. Having used the trades as a basis for paying his own way through college, Lyman taught Social Studies/History at Beloit Memorial High School for 8 years and shifted to Career & Tech Ed for two years. Lyman currently teaches Social Studies at West High School in Madison. One of fewer than 60 NBCT Social Studies teachers in the state, Lyman has been mentoring candidates, organizing NBCT support programming, and leveraging the status of NBCTs to advocate for the profession and strengthen our union since 2013.
Kelly Ferguson
Kelly achieved National Board Certification for World Languages other Than English in 2007 after an unsuccessful initial attempt. Since attending NBPTS Jump Start training in Washington in 2016 she has worked with candidates in the Madison area to help them avoid the errors made her time through the process. Kelly has taught Spanish in Madison since 2003, and is a prolific presenter at Wisconsin-area and national world languages conferences.
Terri Froiland
After teaching in urban, rural, and suburban communities and receiving my Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction, I became an NBCT in 2005 in the area of MC Generalist. I subsequently renewed my certification in 2015. I retired from my position as an instructional coach in Waukesha in June 2020. After a brief move to Vermont where I supported students with special needs via virtual tutoring, I returned to Milwaukee where I work as a nanny and occasionally substitute teach.
Paula Hase
As the Wausau East Library Media Specialist and informal District technology mentor, I welcome every opportunity to share my expertise and best practices relating to reading, writing, and technology. I am a National Board Certified Teacher in English Language Arts and certified to teach English, ELL, Reading, and as of 2015, Library Media. I enjoy helping teachers navigate their own personalized pedagogical road to digital change. I began my career in 1993 as a high school English teacher but I have recently migrated into the world of informational literacy with the recent acquisition of my Library Media certification. I am specifically interested in the ways technology can be used to create more effective and efficient ways for teachers to not only increase, but provide feedback and assess, the reading and writing opportunities for students.
Marquel Hooks
I have more than 20 years of experience in both the regular and special education settings. I am passionate about restorative practices. I am certified in Middle Childhood Generalist currently pursuing MOC.
D.J. Huddleston
I graduated from Northwestern Oklahoma State University in 1978 with a double major in Zoology & Botany and a minor in Chemistry. After two years of biomedical cancer research, I returned to school to earn my teaching credentials. I have used my broad-field science certification as a passport to travel the United States. I began my educational odyssey in the tumbleweed grasslands of western Kansas, but have taught middle through high school science in rural and urban schools from the US territory of Guam (where America’s day begins) to the Hawaiian islands of Molokai and Maui; from Navaho high desert country of Arizona to the Yupik wet tundra of Alaska. We live in a highly mobile global society and while I currently reside and teach in central Wisconsin, my National Board Certification has helped me develop skills that helped me better relate to students, peers, and administrators throughout our diverse nation.
Lauren Jagemann
I have been teaching high school math since 2008, recently focused on AP Statistics and Algebra 2/Trig, and spent the last 15 years in Milwaukee Public Schools. I am a proud public and urban educator, and a proud NBCT. I believe in the National Board as a process of deep professional reflection and growth, and how empowering engaging in the process can be. Some other education endeavors that drive my passion in this work are as a Link Crew coordinator and Ropes and Challenges facilitator. I achieved initial certification in 2020 and am currently working on my MOC this school year, so am most comfortable mentoring initial candidates.
Sarah Johnston
I’ve been teaching 7th grade since 1998! I taught many years of ELA and became certified in EA – ELA in 2015. I have switched to teaching geography, but still incorporate ELA strategies into our lessons. I’m happy to mentor in any certificate area.
Teri Knight
I am currently a French teacher and World Languages department chair at Reagan H.S. I have provided support in my building, have been a co-trainer for Jump Start and have provided support for NBPTS candidates at WEAC in Spring 2018. I am willing to mentor initial and renewal candidates, and will be happy to mentor in person or electronically.
Tracey Leider
I have been a science teacher for over 20 years and currently work in Oregon, Wisconsin. I teach AP Environmental Science, Environmental Science and Human Anatomy and Physiology to high school students. I have a master’s degree in Environmental Education and my current passion is literacy in science. I teach workshops on infusing literacy without sacrificing science content. I’m happy to mentor people in other areas as well as I have recently become trained on scoring for NBPTS so I have a renewed passion for helping people demonstrate their awesomeness.
Laura Lofton
I’ve taught art (on-a-cart) at Escuela Vieau (K-8) for 11 of my 22 years of teaching. I’ve taught art at all levels, and also English as a second language. My teaching practice is regularly energized by mentoring student teachers every semester. I love to integrate other subjects into the art classes that I teach, and lately have been working with Computer Science and Engineering processes in my art classes.
Kristin Martens
I have over 12 years of teaching and currently am a 5th grade teacher in Greendale. Previously I taught lower elementary for five years. I was Nationally Board Certified in 2017 under the new system. Becoming a NBCT was a challenging, yet extremely rewarding process for me. I have previously worked as an edTPA assessor and PDP reviewer. I serve as a mentor in my building and have taken Instructional Mentoring courses at Cardinal Stritch. My passion is math. In 2017, I mentored a renewal candidate. I look forward to working for new NBCT candidates.
Elise Matteucci
My name is Elise Matteucci and I have been teaching for nearly ten years and have recently earned my Master’s in Administrative Leadership from UW-Milwaukee. I earned my National Board Certification in the area of Middle Childhood Generalist. Most of my career has been dedicated to teaching fifth grade. Middle school aged students are my favorite and it is an honor to be part of their lives and academic careers. Going through the NBCT process was incredibly rewarding and offered a new level of insight into my classroom experience and student’s learning. I believe every teacher should go through the NBCT process, it’s like being a student again!
Alexandra Nugent Timofeeva
I currently teach middle school ELL and co-teach ELA. I’ve also taught Spanish and Mandarin at the middle and high school levels and adult EL at a community college. Before becoming an NBCT, I earned my M. Ed. in Second Languages and Cultures Education from the U of MN and worked as a writing tutor. I enjoy helping others express themselves through writing and look forward to mentoring more candidates.
Jane Patterson Mlenar
I am currently a math instructional support teacher in Greendale. I have been teaching middle school math for more than 31 years in the Milwaukee area. I have been mentoring candidates for more than 15 years both one-on one-and in small groups. I have also been a facilitator for UW LaCrosse in their ME-PD masters program. I am happy to work with teachers in any certification area.
Dena Pulos
I have taught in rural, urban, and suburban schools for over 20 years. Most of my experience is in K-12 literacy and math instruction though I recently found my passion in teaching ESL these past few years. I am happy to give back and support other educators going through the process.
Sarah H. Schnuelle (Not Available for 2024-2025 school year)
I am a former first grade teacher who provides literacy instruction, intervention, and coaching, primarily K-5, along with special education consulting at the middle and high schools in the School District of Jefferson. I received my M.A. in Literacy and Learning Disabilities in 2011 and have three young children. I earned National Board certification in Early Childhood-Middle Childhood English Language Arts in 2018. My current assignment is Literacy Teacher/Coach and Math Interventionist. I am a Jump Start trainer and provide support in my district, region and local.
Meredith Smith
I have been teaching since 2002 and since 2003 at a small school in southern Wisconsin. I teach Physical Science, Chemistry, Advanced Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Project Lead the Way Principles of Engineering, and AP Physics I. I have also taught Biology, Environmental Science, and General Physics. In addition to the classroom I stay busy traveling with my students to the Boundary Waters, Europe, and Puerto Rico. I also spend time a lot of time mentoring my students for our Science Olympiad Team. I received my BS in Secondary Science Education from Kansas State University in 2002, my MS in Physics Education from UW-River Falls. In 2015 I received my National Board Teacher Certification in the area of adolescent and young adulthood science. In 2016 I was honored to find out that I was chosen as a Crystal Apple Award winner.
Amy Traynor
I am the Instructional Coach at DeLong Middle School in Eau Claire. I previously taught 7-8 grade mathematics for 17 years.
Kristin Voss
I have been a teacher at Madison Memorial High School since 2000. Currently, I teach AP Psychology, Intro to Psychology, and a Social and Restorative Justice Studies course. In my over 25 years of teaching I have also taught U.S. History, World History, Sociology, and Ethnic Studies. Through this experience I have developed a passion for Social Studies teaching and love the combination of content and skills I can teach students in my History and Social Studies elective courses. National Board Certification was the best professional development I have done because it was self-directed and meaningful. In addition, I have worked for the National Board, Pearson, and the College Board in developing some of the revisions for the certification process, assessing National Board entries, and scoring AP Psychology tests. My area of expertise primarily is in helping NBPTS candidates working on Renewal and supporting AYA History candidates. I am a mother of two teenagers – a daughter with special needs and a neurotypical son with a love of sports. In my free time I enjoy spending time outdoors, watching movies, reading, walking my dog and hanging out in coffee shops.
Mary Walz
I certified in 2004 and renewed in 2014 for Adolescence and Young Adulthood Mathematics. I have helped colleagues go through the initial and renewal process often providing proofing or help with recording. I have also provided a district in-service in our district to bring attention to the certification process.
Erin Walsh
Recently retired after 33 years teaching science in urban settings, I am National Board certified in Adolescent/Young Adult Science, with an emphasis in biology. I have taught numerous courses at both the middle and high school level including biology, integrated science, general science, AP biology and PLTW biomedical sciences. I am an experienced mentor and am happy to work with candidates in all certification areas.