Role of Building Representative, Chairperson, and Building Committee

Responsibilities and Expectations of Elected MTEA Building Leaders

Building Representative/Educational Assistant Chairperson

  • Building Representatives (BRs) and EA Chairs are the frontline in fighting for the values and positions of MTEA members.
  • Ask all non-members to join the MTEA
  • Complete a 2 hour MTEA Building Leader Training at the MTEA office in the summer or fall.
  • Attend all Building Representative Assembly meetings and in the rare event of absence will send a delegate to meetings to represent members in your school/work group. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. at the Washington Park Senior Center.
  • Hold monthly 10-minute member meetings within 7 days of the monthly Representative Assembly to keep all members informed of issues and actions following the RA.
  • Be well versed with the MPS handbook. The handbook is a result of decisions between our union and Administration.
  • Hold elections for MTEA leaders at your school. Contact MTEA staff for assistance if needed.
  • Willingly listen to and advocate for members’ concerns and views, while maintaining professional and confidential expectations. BRs and EA Chairs contact MTEA staff when needed to advocate for members and resolve issues with Administration.

Building Committee

  • The Building Committee (BC) is the source of member power, leadership and problem solving at each school/department. They engage in problem solving on a regular basis with Administration.
  • Building Committees meet monthly as an internal team to discuss urgent member concerns and potential solutions including: # of staff and PD meetings that are necessary for the upcoming month safety and climate, general organization, scheduling of open house and parent-teacher conference days, morale, etc.
  • Building Committees must meet monthly with Administration to address urgent concerns and bring proposed solutions that are member driven.
  • BC members solicit concerns from members in their school. The BC should offer multiple means by which members can communicate with BC members (i.e., letter in mailbox, personal email, after school meeting). Encourage members to “own” their concerns instead of remaining anonymous, if appropriate.
  • All Building Committee members should familiarize themselves with the MPS handbook.
  • The Building Committee should post a list of BC members at the school on the MTEA bulletin board in the staff lounge.

*Members may nominate themselves, or colleagues, for any of the above positions. This is a member-only activity.

Notes and Guidelines

  • Number of BRs per school/department: All schools are entitled to at least one Building Representative. Schools with a larger number of MTEA members are entitled to additional Building Representatives: 1-37 members = 1 BR; 38-62 members = 2 BRs; 63-87 members = 3 BRs; 88-112 members = 4 BRs; 113-137 members = 5 BRs. These counts are based on dues-paying members only. Do not count non-members.
  • Building Committee makeup: The building committee is made up of 3-5 teacher members, PLUS the elected Building Representative and the Educational Assistant Chairperson. Elected representatives of other unions in your school (AFSCME, PAMPS, etc.) may also participate in the Building Committee, but are not elected by MTEA members.
  • MTEA members only: Only MTEA members can vote in these elections. Teacher unit members vote for Building Representative and Building Committee; Educational Assistant members vote for EA Chairperson. Administration cannot be involved in MTEA elections.