WEAC to Superintendents: Join Us in Our Work for Anti-Racist Schools

WEAC has issued a letter to all state public school superintendents inviting them to join us in our work for anti-racist schools.
“Anti-racist work must be the priority of all school districts to make systemic change in our state,” the letter states. “Anti-racist schools recognize their own practices contribute to racial inequities and actively work to eliminate these actions. Join us in supporting educators who are moving this work forward in our state.”
Complete text of the letter:
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction 2019 data shows that while Black students make up 9% of the student population, of the educators teaching them are 98% non-Black. A Black student is seven times more likely than their white peers to receive an out-of-school suspension in Wisconsin public schools according to WISEdash. In addition to these disparities, significant gaps in opportunities for students of color in our schools perpetuate student disconnection and isolation. We strongly encourage you to look more deeply at your own district data to measure the impact of your actions regarding racial equity on your students and staff.
WEAC is here to partner with you to make sure every Wisconsin child is learning in an anti-racist school with anti-racist educators. Take advantage of WEAC professional development opportunities that will help you put the commitments of your equity statements into action which will make meaningful change for every student.
We need to work together to make sure all students have the opportunity to feel safe and supported in our school systems. Beyond that, educators have a responsibility to teach all students anti-racism to help them learn how to live in a more equitable society. By not taking any action, we are continuing to uphold a racist system that harms all students. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Our lives begin to end the day we are silent about things that matter.” WEAC will not be silent. Every Wisconsin student deserves an anti-racist school.