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Winter Worksite Application 2023-24
Apply by December 15, 2023.
WEAC – Ed Summer – Member Organizer Application
Member Information
Personal Email (non-work)
Cell Phone
Local Association
La Crosse Education Association
Oshkosh Education Association
Marinette Education Association
Whitewater Education Association
What school(s) do you work in?
What is your position in the district?
Years in Current District
Years in Education Field
How did you hear about the Education Summer Program?
When would you like to work?
This year, let us know if you’d like to work during summer school, Ed Summer Program or both.
Summer School only
Ed Summer only (late July-August)
How many hours per week would you prefer to work?
10 Hours
20 Hours
I could do either.
Organizers are expected to work 20 hours per week for a six-week period with the program beginning on July 22 and ending on August 30. Outside of the required training on July 17-18, weekly team meetings, organizers can set their own schedule. Are you able to make that 20 hour per week commitment?
Tell us a little bit about your organizer experience and how you think your union could benefit from your expertise.
How do you plan on connecting with early career educators and new hires to get them to sign-up and become more involved in the union?
If you are selected as a member organizer, do you agree to the following?
Yes, I will remain a member in good standing.
I agree, if selected,
To attend weekly check-ins and submit weekly reports of progress.
I agree, if selected,
To outreach to potential members in my local via texting, email, phone call and/or in-person meetings with multiple follow-up attempts.
I agree, if selected,
To engage in one-on-one conversations with members with the aim of better understanding the needs and concerns of union members and identifying leaders.
I agree, if selected,
To collect and report potential member and member contact information.