Teaching & Learning Resources

Teaching and learning is union business.

WEAC is committed to establishing union members as the driving force for education and professional excellence, quality teaching and learning, and innovation throughout Wisconsin’s schools and classrooms. High-quality professional learning helps educators improve how they support students, is rooted in collaboration between educators, and is relevant to the work educators do each and every day. To that end, WEAC offers a range of research-based learning opportunities and resources for members to increase professional knowledge and skills as well as network with colleagues from every corner of the state. In an effort to correct the past and to do better by everyone, many of our courses and workshops are rooted in social and racial justice. These learning opportunities and resources are available to WEAC members as a benefit of your union membership. Unlike professional learning you may be obliged to attend, our offerings are not about compliance, but about the realities of the classroom, building relationships, and equipping union members to be agents for positive change in our democratic society because we know teaching is the future of everything.