We advocate for great public education for the common good.

Public educators are respected partners in developing an innovative and responsive educational system within each community that creates caring and responsible citizens of a global society.
Become A Member

The public schools we have today are the result of the investments, ingenuity and commitment of those who have come before us. Together, we embrace advocacy, collaboration, professionalism, social justice and economic security for Wisconsin Public School students, families and educators.

WEAC membership includes:

  • Teachers, counselors and library media specialists in public K-12 schools.
  • Education support professionals—secretaries, teacher aides, bus drivers, custodians,  cooks—employed in public K-12 schools.
  • Faculty and support staff in the Wisconsin Technical College System.
  • Active retired members.
  • University students who are studying to be educators.

Whether it is school funding reform, health care reform, licensure and professional development, working together to close achievement gaps or organizing for fairer contracts – we are strongest when we stand together. And when educators stand together, we also help our students and our communities.

We believe that together we can maintain our traditions and keep Wisconsin at the forefront of quality and innovation in public education.

Feel free to learn more about the benefits that are available to you because of your WEAC membership, and please consider becoming more involved in your union at the local, UniServ and state level. You can contact your local leaders or UniServ office through your local building representative, or call WEAC toll-free at 800-362-8034.

Meet Our Leadership

To contact a WEAC Board member, please send an email to weacboard@weac.org, with the name of the board member you want to contact in the email title or message, and your email will be forwarded to that board member.

Kim Schroeder head shot

Kim Schroeder

Vice President
Nathan Ugoretz head shot

Nathan Ugoretz

Bob Baxter head shot

Bob Baxter

Executive Director

Our History

WEAC began as a statewide educational organization of teachers and administrators in 1853. After passage of a collective bargaining law for public employees, it evolved into a pro-active teachers union and in 1972 changed its name to the Wisconsin Education Association Council. Later, WEAC expanded its membership to education support staff, as well as technical college faculty and staff.

Today, WEAC continues its work to improve the quality of life and work for its members in areas such as collective action, legislation, professional development and support and public relations. WEAC also makes life better for all of Wisconsin’s residents by championing efforts to protect children and the promise of public education.