WEAC – PDI Presenter Application

Professional Development Institute Call for Proposals

October 14-16
Stevens Point

Proposals due June 17

WEAC is committed to building the knowledge and skills of its members through professional learning that is job-embedded, practical, relevant and connected to both student learning and educator well-being. To that end, you are invited to submit a workshop proposal in an area of your interest or expertise for the annual Professional Development Institute (PDI) October 14-16, 2022 in Stevens Point.

Presenters must be WEAC members or a friend of WEAC in a job category ineligible for membership. Sessions are 90 minutes long and should be interactive and engaging. Presenters typically present twice over the course of the weekend. This is an opportunity to share your favorite unit, pedagogical expertise, or unique school program with your colleagues across the state.

Members selected to present will receive complimentary registration, meals, roundtrip mileage reimbursement, and a hotel room for two nights (if needed). No other stipend will be awarded to presenters. Applications are due Friday, June 17, 2022. Please direct questions to baasj@weac.org.

This form is closed for submissions.