Celebrate American Education Week, November 13-17

Week provides opportunities to advocate for public education
This year, the annual American Education Week is November 13-17 to honor students, educators, and parents and rededicate the nation’s commitment to providing a quality public education for every student. Each year, American Education Week takes place the week prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. It was first celebrated in 1921, with National Education Association and the American Legion as co-sponsors and grew out of a national concern over illiteracy. For more than 100 years, the goal of American Education Week has been to generate public awareness and support for education.
NEA makes recommendations on NEA.org, including suggested social media posts. WEAC and NEA have also curated a toolkit to use to make the most out of Education Professionals Day and each special day of American Education Week, including messaging recommendations, eye-catching graphics and a host of other resources.
“American Education Week honors students’ determination to learn and recognizes the professionalism and dedication of teachers, support staff, and other educators,” WEAC President Peggy Wirtz-Olsen said. “It is also a week to thank parents and members of the community who help students succeed and urge communities to dedicate themselves to quality public education for every student.”
NEA President Becky Pringle echoed Wirtz-Olsen and emphasized the importance of Education Support Professionals Day on November 15.
“American Education Week serves as a tribute to the team of people who work with our students, everyone from the classroom teacher and the administrative staff to the cafeteria worker and the bus driver,” said NEA President Becky Pringle. “We honor and thank them for the work they do every day to make sure that our students are safe and are ready and able to learn.”
To celebrate Education Support Professionals (ESP) Day during the weeklong observance, NEA and President Pringle will host a national tele-town hall meeting, “Championing Education Support Professionals” on Wednesday, Nov. 15. Along with President Pringle, speakers will include Sen. Edward Markey, who recently introduced a new resolution calling for a National ESP Bill of Rights, and Pamella Johnson, the 2023 NEA ESP of the Year.
They will discuss the important role ESPs play in the lives of students, the critical issues facing their professions, and what these educators need to ensure every student succeeds.
NEA is also asking the public to sign a pledge to show support for the education professionals who work tirelessly for student success. Participants can also send a thank you message to ESP (or receive them, if they are ESPs themselves!) by texting CELEBRATE to 48744.