MTEA committees address a wide range of membership issues and interests. Some are committees addressing professional concerns, while others help carry out the democratic processes of the union.
All MTEA members are invited to join one (or more) of our union’s committees. Committees usually meet once a month or every other month, with the meeting dates posted on our website.
Labor Management Committees:
Safety and Discipline – Focuses on addressing safety, security, and discipline issues.
Special Education – Focuses on identifying and addressing issues related to special education students and instruction.
Academics – Focuses on advancing best practices and policies in curriculum and instruction for teachers and students.
Constitutional Committees (open to all members)
Balloting – Counts general membership votes on political candidate endorsements, election of NEA RA delegates, etc.
Joint Budget – Prepares and recommends an annual program budget and dues for our union.
Joint Constitution – Drafts amendments into proper format with pros and cons and makes recommendations to the MTEA Executive Board.
Legislative – Studies and recommends positions on legislation affecting MTEA members. Helps develop campaigns on specific bills, including organizing membership involvement.
Nominating – Recruits candidates for MTEA Officer and Executive Board positions.
Political Action Committee – Interviews candidates for local offices to determine endorsement recommendations and distributes PAC funds.