November 18, 2021

WEAC Recommends Tony Evers for Governor

WEAC Recommends Tony Evers for Governor Featured Image
Governor Tony Evers

11.0101 communication with WEAC members.

Wisconsin needs a champion for students and public schools

The Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) recommends Dr. Tony Evers for governor. The following statement can be attributed to Peggy Wirtz-Olsen, a teacher and WEAC President.

“Governor Tony Evers has demonstrated his ability to be a strong leader during difficult times, earning the recommendation of our union of educators. He has a clear vision for Wisconsin’s future, including supporting educators’ right to negotiate with our employers. He has brought forward solutions and defended against measures designed to destabilize public education.

“Educators are buckling under unrealistic workloads. Additional responsibilities leave little time for one-on-one student attention and increased testing takes away valuable time from learning. Educator pay is falling and teacher shortages are causing a crisis in our schools. Wisconsin needs a governor who cares about the future of all students and a vision for restoring Wisconsin’s proud legacy of public education.

Governor Evers has a plan to invest in public schools, repair our roads and make things better for working people. Despite a pandemic and unrelenting partisan attacks on his administration, Tony Evers has worked tirelessly to support students and public schools. Educators know what’s on the line in the November 2022 election, and we will work to re-elect Governor Evers with enthusiasm and dedication rooted in what’s best for our students.”

When making recommendations, WEAC members focus on areas including support for public schools, reinstating employees’ right to negotiate with our employers and professional respect for the role educators have in keeping our communities strong.